GRNC-PVF Alert 05-10-14: GRNC-PVF Wins Most Races

…but NRA malfeasance keeps anti-gun sheriff in office

The GRNC Political Victory Fund made an excellent showing in the May 6 primary elections of the 42 districts targeted, with 27 wins, 14 losses and one candidate (Phil Berger, Jr., USH06R) winning but with less than 40% of the vote, mandating a run-off.

Particularly sweet were victories by pro-gun incumbent Larry Pittman (Cabarrus), who had been targeted by leadership for standing up for gun owners, and the win of an open seat in Catawba by founding GRNC board member Jay Adams. Also encouraging was a win in the Democrat primary for an open seat for Mecklenburg County Sheriff by concealed handgun instructor Irwin Carmichael. Mecklenburg County residents have long been plagued by long delays in issuing gun permits and the refusal of sheriffs to sign Form 4s for Title firearms. Carmichael promises to rectify both.

Although GRNC-recommended Supreme Court candidate Jeanette Doran lost, in that three-way primary, one of the two candidates advancing to the General Election is Eric Levinson, who is nearly as good. GRNC-PVF will recommend Levinson in the General Election. With the exception of Robert Brawley (Iredell), all pro-gun incumbents in NC House and Senate races won re-election.


Unfortunately, gun owners lost a chance to unseat anti-gun Sheriff Bill Schatzman in Forsyth County when Schatzman apparently responded to GRNC-PVF mailings and calls against him by whining to (and receiving an endorsement from) the NRA.

NRA state liaison Anthony Roulette not only endorsed Schatzman just a week before the election, but lied to those who complained by telling them Schatzman supported repeal of our Jim Crow-era pistol purchase permit system. In truth, even the NRA in one of its own alerts last year blasted Schatzman for publicly saying he OPPOSED repealing the purchase permit system.

In 2011, Schatzman had illegally demanded employment information from concealed handgun permit applicants. In 2012, he imposed arbitrary “expiration dates” for training certificates. In 2013, he supported the NC Sheriff Association in removing the purchase permit repeal from HB 937. Challenger Dave Griffith promised to rectify all of that and would have signed Form 4s for Title II firearms, which Schatzman refuses to do. NRA members should use the contact information below to demand a public apology and the firing of Roulette.


  • 532 candidates evaluated through surveys, voting records and bill sponsorship;
  • 41 primaries with pro-gun contenders covered, for the first time including sheriffs;
  • 252,000 (yes, 252 thousand) email alerts and candidate recommendations issued;
  • 49,000 mailings sent;
  • 22,000 automated telephone alerts sent; and


Electing pro-gun candidates this year could cost GRNC $100,000 or more!

GRNC is expanding the “Remember in November project to distribute 175,000 voter guides covering all candidates for state and federal office, including sheriffs. Our new GRNC Judicial Project will inform you which judges will defend the Constitution.

But mailings and radio spots cost big money, even though we use your money more efficiently than others. Even email costs $2000+ per month when sent to hundreds of thousands. So please help GRNC mascot “Max” guard the Constitution by attending our “Celebrating Twenty Years of Victory” dinner and please consider additional donations by going to:


  • CALL THE NRA at 800-392-8683 on Monday morning between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM and demand they do two things: (1) Retract the Schatzman endorsement and (2) fire Anthony Roulette, the NRA representative who made it.
  • EMAIL NRA SPOKESPERSON KATELYN BLEDSOE at and ask her whether Roulette is lying about Schatzman or simply too incompetent to know that his organization already blasted him over repeal of the pistol purchase law just last year. Here too, demand the firing of Roulette and retraction of the Schatzman endorsement.

Please upport the following call to action from our friends at Gun Owners of America:

Boehner Secretly Plotting to Stab Gun Owners in the Back

In a closed-door meeting of wealthy contributors in Las Vegas, House Speaker John Boehner said he was “hell-bent on getting [anti-gun immigration amnesty] done this year.

And earlier this week, the Speaker viciously mocked conservative Republicans for opposing him on this issue.

The wily Boehner had led his conservative Republican members to believe the issue was shelved for the year. Now it appears that Boehner is simply planting a trap for Republicans and gun owners — springing this Obama-backed proposal when it’s too late to primary anti-gun Republican amnesty supporters.

Gun Owners of America has argued all along that Second Amendment supporters have “a dog in this fight.”

In 1986, Ronald Reagan signed an immigration amnesty bill for about 3 million illegals. It was supposed to be accompanied by new enforcement measures – which never happened. Instead, the prospect of citizenship only attracted over ten million new illegals. And those granted amnesty in 1986 turned California from a “swing state” into an anti-gun nightmare.

A Pew poll from last year indicated that if illegal immigrants were given citizenship, they would vote for liberal, anti-gun candidates by an 8-to-1 margin.

So by the time that a net 8,000,000-plus additional anti-gun voters emerge from Obama’s new proposal, it will be far too late to do anything about it. Handgun bans. Total gun registration. Confiscation programs. SWAT teams. These will be the inevitable consequence of adding 8,000,000 new anti-gun voters to the electorate.

Boehner’s Republican members understand that anti-gun immigration amnesty could cost Republicans the Senate and House in November – and would damage their prospects even more in long-term.

This is why, up until now, he was pretending to shelve the issue.

Boehner thinks he can get away with bushwhacking the Republican members who elected him Speaker. But the good news is that there is a procedure for unseating the Speaker, and we are beginning to work with members in order to invoke it.


  1. Contact your Representative. Please urge him to oppose any efforts to move anti-gun amnesty legislation — regardless of his party affiliation. But if he is a Republican, ask him to move for Boehner’s removal if, as reported, he betrays his own members — and jeopardizes control of the House.

Contact Speaker Boehner and tell him to get off his “hell-bent” road to anti-gun amnesty. There is absolutely NO WAY for you to communicate with the Speaker (via email) if you live outside of his district. So if you wish to communicate with him, please contact his office using the following methods: * Phone: (202)225-6205 * Fax: (202)225-0704


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