GRNC Update 06-04-14: CSPAN Will Cover GRNC Gun Rights Extravaganza



Dear Gun Rights Supporters,

Over twenty years, consider how far Grass Roots North Carolina has traveled in regaining our lost rights — from passing our concealed handgun and reciprocity laws to Castle Doctrine, repealing our unconstitutional State of Emergency gun ban and, most recently the massive expansion of concealed carry into restaurants, public assemblies, educational properties and elsewhere.

But the road back is very long indeed. And make no mistake: That road is paved by election victories. As I teach in my legislative tactics seminars, politicians want you to believe the legislative season and the election season are unrelated. Our goal is make sure they inexorably intertwined.

CSPAN will cover GRNC gun rights extravaganza!

Going into the November elections, I want GRNC to be bigger and stronger than ever before. That’s why we’re holding a block buster gun rights extravaganza, “Celebrating Twenty Years of Victory,” in Charlotte on June 21 featuring:

  • Dr. John R. Lott, whom Ann Coulter dubbed “America’s most feared researcher.” Why? Because Lott’s articles in The Wall Street Journal, Fox News and elsewhere show how concealed handgun laws deter violent crime while “gun free” zones actually attract violent predators. Lott will discuss his new Crime Prevention Research Center and its mission to repudiate phony gun “research” funded by Michael Bloomberg.

  • Larry Pratt, longtime director of Gun Owners of America, the only no compromise gun lobby in Washington. Maybe you saw Larry verbally disassemble Piers Morgan on CNN. (Larry was arguably the beginning of the end for Morgan’s show.) Now meet him – and congratulate him – in person.
  • Andrew Branca, internationally renowned self-defense expert and author of “The Law of Self-Defense,” recently reviewed in the NRA “America’s First Freedom” magazine, who will discuss the media attack on Stand Your Ground laws and your ability to protect your family.

Maybe that’s why CSPAN asked to record this gun rights extravaganza for national broadcast!

Get free tickets to gun rights extravaganza!

Of course, you can buy tickets to the event at,  but to give you a chance to attend this blockbuster event for free, to make GRNC bigger and stronger in November (and, frankly, to make sure we turn out a huge crowd for CSPAN), GRNC is running a two-week membership drive. Act now: The deadline for the free ticket offer is June 17!

Here is how you can get free tickets to the dinner*:

  • Sign up two annual members ($30 each) or one 3-year member ($75) and get one free ticket to the Celebrating Twenty Years of Victory dinner – a $55 value; or
  • Sign up three 1-year members ($30 each) or one 5-year member ($90) and get one ticket to each to the VIP reception and dinner – an $80 value; or
  • Sign up one Life member ($275) or the equivalent in multiple memberships and get two tickets to each event – a $140 value; or

* Any of the options above can include a membership for yourself.

Get free tickets in two simple steps:

  1. Sign up friends, relatives, neighbors or co-workers for memberships at:
  2. Send an email with the names of people signed up, the duration of the membership selected by each, and your full contact information, including address and phone number to:

Make ‘Remember in November’

bigger and better than ever before

As you probably know, in election years GRNC runs a huge candidate evaluation project called Remember in November to give you accurate information on which candidates will defend your rights.

In 2012, we distributed more than 150,000 voter guides covering all candidates for state and federal office. This year, we intend to distribute 175,000 voter guides, including mailing 100,000 directly to gun-owning voters. Moreover, we are expanding Remember in November to include sheriff candidates and, even more important, statewide judicial races.

Passing good bills means electing good legislators, and we can only elect good legislators with your help. So please support GRNC by coming to our Celebrating Twenty Years of Victory dinner, and please sign up new GRNC supporters in the membership drive.

For our own part, I promise you that GRNC will continue to put your money to more efficient, effective use in defending your rights than any other organization. Let’s move on to the next twenty years of victory, shall we?

Armatissimi e liberissimi,

F. Paul Valone
President, Grass Roots North Carolina

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