GRNC-PVF Alert 06-06-16: Vote tomorrow!






(See the list below)


Whether or not your district has a special primary race for the U.S. House, it is critical that you get to the polls and vote for the GRNC-PVF recommended candidate, BOB EDMUNDS, for NC Supreme Court in this court-ordered special election.


Because voter turnout will likely be low, your vote counts more than ever. 

NC Supreme Court Special Primary: Even if you don’t have a congressional primary or don’t intend to vote the congressional primary in your district, you must still vote in a court-ordered “special primary” in order to keep conservative control of the NC Supreme Court. In this race, GRNC-PVF strongly recommends you vote for Bob Edmunds.

, and help us continue the important work of electing strong, pro-gun legislators and conservative judges.

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Voting instructions: Primary voting day is June 7 between 6:30 AM and 7:30 PM. Click here to find your polling place for tomorrow’s election day.

Important changes to voting laws: As in previous years, unaffiliated voters may vote in either Republican or Democrat primaries. Unlike previous years, straight party voting will not be permitted, so GRNC strongly suggests you investigate individual candidates. For the first time, identification is required to vote, so click here to find identification requirements. 

GRNC-PVF strongly recommends incumbent conservative ROBERT H. (BOB) EDMUNDS.


(Note: the NC State Board of Elections has made numerous changes to presentation of candidate data which now, unfortunately, contain numerous errors. We have tried to catch those errors but apologize if some of them have been allowed to propagate into GRNC evaluations.)

US HOUSE DISTRICT 2 (R): Redistricting pits incumbent GRNC 4-star (****) Renee Ellmers (R-2) against incumbent 4-star (****) George Holding (R-13) as well as challenger Greg Brannon (****). While all of the candidates are pro-gun, Ellmers has been accused of aligning with moderates, and her gun rights voting record is based on a single vote. GRNC-PVF recommends GEORGE HOLDING.

US HOUSE DISTRICT 3 (R): Challengers Phil Law (100% survey, ****) and Taylor Griffin (NR, 0-star) seek to unseat incumbent Walter Jones (****). With a 97% pro-gun voting record stretching over 22 years and a perfect 100% survey average, GRNC-PVF recommends WALTER JONES.

US HOUSE DISTRICT 4 (R): Sue Googe (survey 81%, ***) and Teiji Kimball (survey 93%, ****) vie to unseat anti-gun incumbent David Price (GRNC 0-star). GRNC-PVF recommends TEIJI KIMBALL.

US HOUSE DISTRICT 5 (R): Challenger Pattie Curran (survey 98%, ****) seeks to unseat incumbent Virginia Foxx (****). To be clear, Curran is a pro-gun activist who would serve the district well. But with a perfect 100% voting record and perfect 100% survey average, GRNC-PVF recommends VIRGINIA FOXX.

US HOUSE DISTRICT 6 (R): Challenger Chris Hardin (survey 96%, ****) seeks to unseat one-term incumbent Mark Walker (survey 99%, ****). Although Walker has not yet had to vote on gun-related legislation, evidence continues to indicate he will defend gun rights. GRNC-PVF recommends MARK WALKER.

US HOUSE DISTRICT 8 (R): Challenger Tim D’Annunzio (survey 100%, ****) seeks to unseat one-term incumbent Richard Hudson (survey 100%, ****). Although Hudson has not yet had to vote on gun-related legislation, evidence continues to indicate he will defend gun rights. Meanwhile, D’Annunzio has proven to be a less than optimal candidate in previous races. GRNC-PVF recommends RICHARD HUDSON.

US HOUSE DISTRICT 9 (R): Challenger Mark Harris (survey 98%, ****) seeks to unseat incumbent Richard Pittenger (****). While Harris is undoubtedly a pro-gun conservative, Pittenger’s long-running 100% pro-gun voting record has earned gun voter’s loyalty. GRNC-PVF recommends ROBERT PITTENGER.

US HOUSE DISTRICT 10 (R): Challengers Albert Wiley, Jr. (survey 88%, ***), Jeff Gregory (100%, ****), and Jeffrey Baker (survey NR, 0-star), seek to unseat incumbent Patrick McHenry (****). In addition to a perfect 100% pro-gun voting record and 98% survey average, McHenry was instrumental in passing a clean concealed handgun reciprocity bill during his tenure in the NC House. GRNC-PVF recommends PATRICK McHENRY.

US HOUSE DISTRICT 12 (R): In this dismal race, three mediocre (***) Republicans seek a quixotic bid to challenge one of a slew of more or less equally anti-gun Democrats in a district drawn for Dems. GRNC-PVF has no recommendation.

US HOUSE DISTRICT 13 (R): No fewer than 17 Republicans (and 5 Democrats) want this open seat. Among Republicans, 6 earned GRNC’s highest 4-star evaluation based on surveys scores (Ted Budd, Kay Daly, Vernon Robinson*, Matthew McCall, Jim Snyder, David Thompson). [* Robinson also attempted to repeal Winston-Salem’s ban on concealed carry in parks when on its Board of Aldermen].

Mediocre 3-star Republicans in the race include Harry Warren (86% survey, 85% vote record, ***) and John Blust (survey NR, 86% vote record). While Warren has never been a strong gun rights supporter, it’s a pity that last year Blust spoiled a good pro-gun voting record by voting against gun owners 4 times on House Bill 562.

Realizing that there are several other good candidates in the race, particularly Brock, Budd and Robinson, the one who has made the strongest stand on defending the Second Amendment is Daly. Therefore, GRNC-PVF recommends KAY DALY

This ad supporting Robert H. (Bob) Edmunds for NC Supreme Court and the US House candidates was authorized and paid for solely by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund. Ad not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.


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