GRNC-PVF Alert 07-24-16: A Judge’s Conflict of Interest

Judge Mike Morgan’s Conflict of Interest


It’s one thing when a judge takes on a controversial issue; it’s another thing altogether when the case relates to voter ID, and the hearing is being scheduled a month before a general election, and the judge scheduling it is running for a North Carolina Supreme Court judgeship.
As reported by the Civitas Institute, Wake Superior Court Judge Mike Morgan scheduled a hearing for a three year old voter ID case just a month before early voting begins this year. While this goes beyond the pale of professionalism and judicial ethics, it could serve Judge Morgan well since he’s running as a candidate for the North Carolina Supreme Court.
It’s perhaps less surprising that the News & Observer and the Associated Press omitted this in their coverage of Mike Morgan. One would think that basic journalistic integrity would drive them to report all of these facts so that the voting public would be armed with this important information, but the News & Observer has never pretended to be fair and balanced in its coverage.
Justice Robert Edmunds is a competent and fair jurist and deserves your support in the upcoming election. A vote for Justice Edmunds will help maintain a conservative and pro-second amendment voice in North Carolina’s Supreme Court, at a time when the corporatist anti-gun forces are conspiring to curb your Constitutional rights in every possible way.
Grass Roots North Carolina strongly encourages you to donate to Justice Robert Edmunds‘ campaign, and to support him in the upcoming election.

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This ad supporting Robert H. (Bob) Edmunds for NC Supreme Court was authorized and paid for solely by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund. Ad not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.


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