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  Your order has been processed. Please accept our thanks for supporting Grass Roots North Carolina in its fight to defend the Second Amendment. We … Read more

Fitzsimon Afraid to Debate Valone: Hear the interview. Together with audio.

In a December 6 interview with Bill LuMaye on WPTF radio, GRNC president Paul Valone demonstrated that since North Carolina adopted concealed carry in 1995, violent crime has plummeted. He also noted that state and municipal parks have not enjoyed the same drop in violence because, until passage of HB 650, they were ostensibly “gun-free” zones.  When contacted for the interview, Valone immediately offered to debate NC Policy Watch “progressive” director Chris Fitzsimon whose recent articles have attacked parks carry.  According to LuMaye, Fitzsimon refused to debate. What’s he afraid of?

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Question: “I’ve heard North Carolina allows concealed carry for concealed handgun permit-holders in state and national parks, but that certain gamelands are exempted. Where can … Read more

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    Children & Gun Safety Armed American Radio Blazing Sword Calibers Indoor Gun Range Carolina Journal Online Citizens Committee for the Right to … Read more