What is GRNC LAT?

What is GRNC LAT? GRNC deliberately does not hire “lobbyists,” whose interests are invariably conflicted by having to curry favor with politicians in order to … Read more

Volunteer for GRNC

GRNC Needs You ! Many have asked, “Does GRNC have meetings?” We answer: “Would you rather we expend precious resources on preaching to the choir, … Read more

Defend Your Rights

Grass Roots North Carolina is just a lightning rod: Our effectiveness in defending your rights depends on conducting YOUR input to specific legislators, committees or, … Read more

Hear GRNC-PVF Radio Spots

GRNC-PVF: Lynda Bennett for Congress 2020

[Click into this post to play the embedded mp3].



GRNC-PVF: Vote Trump 2016

[Click into this post to play the embedded mp3].

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What is GRNC-PVF?

Donate to GRNC-PVF

The GRNC Political Victory Fund   By law, we are restricted from using organizational money to influence elections. The Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory … Read more

About Rights Watch

Rights Watch International

About Rights Watch International Like national gun rights organizations, GRNC actually comprises three entities: GRNC itself is incorporated as a 501(c)(4) organization, which is tax … Read more

GRNC Accomplishments

Most recent Victories Repealed NC’s Jim Crow era pistol purchase permit law by overriding Governor Cooper’s veto of HB 41. On December 1, 2023,  it became … Read more

GRNC Mascot ‘Max’

GRNC Mascot

GRNC Mascot ‘Max’ As a symbol of tenacity, GRNC has adopted “Max,” a pit bull with the Constitution clenched between his teeth. Max represents not … Read more

GRNC Tactics

GRNC tactics As a grass roots mobilization organization, GRNC has created a network utilizing mass distribution of legislative alerts well beyond its membership roster of … Read more

Who is GRNC?

Looking for You

Who is GRNC?   GRNC is you. As a volunteer organization, Grass Roots North Carolina is exactly what the name implies: A collection of volunteers … Read more


  Pass NC Constitutional Carry H189 Sign the Petition           Click to hear Mark Robinson     Announcing GRNC-PVF Raffle     … Read more

Pro RKBA Corporate Sponsors

  GRNC Sponsors Support these PRO RKBA merchants who, as GRNC sponsors, are supporting your Second Amendment rights Become a ‘PRO RKBA’ Corporate Sponsor and … Read more

Gun-friendly lawyers

Are You a Gun-Friendly Lawyer?By Keith Jones GRNC lawyer referral service GRNC is often asked for the names of lawyers friendly to gun ownership to … Read more

Remember in November

“Remember in November” Candidate Evaluations GRNC now surveys ALL candidates for state and federal office for primary elections. We also compile voting records, bill sponsorship … Read more

About GRNC

Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC) is a non-profit, all volunteer organization devoted to educating the public about trends which abridge the freedoms guaranteed by the … Read more