GRNC Alert 11-20-11: Greenville Over-Reaching Park Ban Needs Rescinding!
First it was membership in “Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG)” Now Dunn leads a swan song cynical over-reach to circumvent HB 650. Apparently she … Read more
Armatissimi e liberissimi
First it was membership in “Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG)” Now Dunn leads a swan song cynical over-reach to circumvent HB 650. Apparently she … Read more
Garner Anti-Self Defense Ordinance As we have noted recently, the town of Garner is currently considering the issue of their local park ordinances in … Read more
Garner Anti-Self Defense Ordinance As we have been apprising you, the city of Garner has plans to abridge your right to self protection in city … Read more
Wake Forest Parks Ban Proposed We will remain vigilant and confront any additional effort to violate Second Amendment freedom in Wake Forest! As was expected … Read more
Fast & Furiously Criminal Smuggled weapons; drug cartels; murdered American border patrol agents; cover-ups; perjury… these are the issues in question with the so-called Operation … Read more
Havelock & Parks Carry Yet another entrant into the race to deprive you of your right to self protection. Now entering the contest we have … Read more
Garner & Parks Carry It is almost a theorem that no sooner is a good law passed than bad politicians will attempt to bypass it. … Read more
Enforcing State law isn’t enough for Forsyth County Sheriff William T. Schatzman – so he’s started making up his own… This RINO has taken it … Read more
According to Havelock Mayor Jimmy Sanders, “I’m not going to get into the Constitutional rights, all I want to say is I would plead with this board to direct the city manager to work to get an ordinance that does not allow concealed weapons in recreational facilities. I cannot put it any farther or any plainer!” |
This is what we saw coming! Municipalities are already working to prevent recently-ratified expansion of Second Amendment freedom – and to maintain “gun-free” parks that … Read more
Watauga D.A. wantonly misinterprets restaurant carry ban
At precisely the moment House Bill 111 for concealed carry in restaurants is languishing in the Senate Judiciary II Committee, a western North Carolina man is being prosecuted for carrying a firearm in violation of GS 14-269.3 – a place where “alcohol is sold and consumed” – EVEN THOUGH HE IS CLEARLY INNOCENT.
Concealed Carry Reduces Gun Crime in Virginia Bars
It’s been a year since our northern neighbor has allowed concealed carry in bars. Guess what? Less crime was committed! That’s right, the anti-gun advocates predicting widespread violence and “blood in the streets” had it backwards once again.
Read this important message from our friends at Gun Owners of America.
The President is ratcheting up his war against gun owners once again, and has nominated another anti-gun zealot for a high post in the U.S. court system.
A United Nations committee wrapped up a weeklong series of “preparatory” meetings. Preparatory of what? Preparing to undermine your Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms, of course. This is the third round of meetings by the so-called “preparatory committee” on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) as the UN gears up for final negotiations in 2012.
Governor Perdue Needs to Sign HB 650, “Amend Various Gun Laws/Castle Doctrine” NOW!
This Bill it Too Important not to Sign Into Law IMMEDIATELY!
We’ve respectfully asked the Governor to act quickly on HB 650, but that hasn’t happened. Let’s push a little harder to finish this job that we’ve all worked so hard on.
There is no reason that HB 650 should not be signed Monday. Let’s CALL the Governor and let her know that delays are unacceptable. Here are some points to make, and respectfully ask the staff member you speak with to write them down and tell Governor Perdue:
Tell the Governor to Improve Her Pro-Gun Record!
Now it’s time to respectfully request that the Governor sign the bill and give North Carolinians the Castle Doctrine that has been long overdue.
Perdue had a reasonably-good pro-gun voting record while a Senator, but current political winds are blowing in unpredictable directions! Let’s reminder her that:
In the shell game characterizing the NC legislative process, a modified HB 650 passed the Senate Judiciary II Committee today and heads for the floor for its Second and Third Readings, quite probably tomorrow. With the legislature likely to recess on Friday, time is short. YOU MUST RESPOND IMMEDIATELY.
In its current version, HB 650 contains Castle Doctrine, parks carry, enhanced concealed handgun reciprocity, improvements to our concealed handgun law, and far more.
Our Success With Pro-Gun Legislation has the Media Pulling-out the Editorial Stops!
Multiple editorials, bringing-up the same, weak, unfounded arguments that concealed carry permittees can’t be trusted to keep firearms locked in vehicles on educational property, have been published in prominent NC newspapers over the last few days.
This appears to be a coordinated effort to skew public opinion by promoting irrational and misleading ‘Chicken Little’ fears. The problem is…the Media has become VERY good at this. We need to be VERY good at OPPOSING IT!
Gun bills, HB 111 – the long awaited Parks and Restaurants bill — & HB 650, “Amend Various Gun Laws,” will receive their hearings in the Senate Judiciary II Committee on Tuesday. Thanks are to go to the committee chairs — Buck Newton, Austin Allran, and Warren Daniel – for arranging the hearings for these important bills in this committee.