GRNC Alert 6-6-11: Demand Action on HB 111

Haven’t You Waited Long Enough?

HB 111, the long-awaited Parks and Restaurants bill, is currently awaiting action in the Senate Judiciary II Committee. You, the gun owning public, have been patient. Now, it seems that you have waited long enough. The NC House has done its part in moving this vital bill forward. It is time for the Senate to do its part. Raise your voices and tell them you want action before the Senate adjourns.

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GRNC Alert 6-3-11: NC House Leadership Needs Show of Support

Rumor has it that Speaker Thom Tillis is under considerable pressure from centrist elements regarding gun bills, specifically that such bills aren’t “polling well.” Now is the time to deliver a message of support by letting Speaker Tillis and Republican House leadership know that you want 4 things more than anything else: (1) Castle Doctrine; (2) Concealed carry in municipal and state parks; (3) Concealed carry in restaurants; and (4) Guns in locked vehicles for concealed handgun permit-holders.

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GRNC Alert 6-2-11: Act Now to Prevent Weakening of HB 650!


House Bill 650, “Amend Various Gun Laws,” passed from the NC House Judiciary C Committee yesterday and heads for a floor vote: Tuesday, June 7. As you may recall, special interest groups have tried to subject the bill to the “death of a thousand cuts” by attacking individual provisions. Nonetheless, HB 650 is still a far-reaching improvement in NC gun laws, including:

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GRNC Alert 6-1-11: HB 650 Passes House Judiciary C

HB 650, the massive gun bill we have been telling you about is now passed in House Judiciary C Sub-Committee. We now need you to contact the full House list to express your support for this important bill.

To recap:

HB 650 is a huge and aggressive bill, meaning it will be difficult to pass. But if passed, it will go far toward reversing the creeping encroachment on gun owners’ rights perpetuated in previous sessions of the legislature, including (but not limited to):

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GRNC Alert 5-30-11: Support HB 241 North Carolina Firearms Freedom Act: Stop Federal Abuse of the Commerce Clause

The Federal government has steadily expanded its misuse of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution to the point that States Rights have become next to meaningless. It’s time to stop the cancerous growth of Federal Bureaucracy and HB 241, North Carolina Firearms Freedom Act will help begin to do this.

This important new legislation is similar to the Montana Firearms Freedom Act enacted in 2009. It will allow North Carolinians to manufacture and sell firearms and ammunition for use within our State without having to bow to and comply with onerous (and expensive) Federal restrictions.

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GRNC Alert 3-18-11: CCW in Parks & Restaurants Vote Needs a Push

CCW in Parks & Restaurants Vote Needs a Push

Act now to push NC House passage of HB 111: “Concealed Handgun Permit Valid in Parks & Restaurants.” This bill has been delayed by concerns of a few in the Republican caucus but could be voted on as early as Wednesday. The Republicans list below need to hear from you, not only to lead them to support the bill, but to remove the ‘poison pill’ Ross amendment under which restaurant servers could ask anyone served alcohol whether they are carrying firearms.

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