GRNC Alert 9-1-11: Restaurant Carry: Could YOU be Prosecuted?

Watauga D.A. wantonly misinterprets restaurant carry ban


At precisely the moment House Bill 111 for concealed carry in restaurants is languishing in the Senate Judiciary II Committee, a western North Carolina man is being prosecuted for carrying a firearm in violation of GS 14-269.3 – a place where “alcohol is sold and consumed” – EVEN THOUGH HE IS CLEARLY INNOCENT.

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Register to Vote!

Important note: The article below serves only for general guidance. For current North Carolina election laws, visit the NC State Board of Elections: Register to … Read more

GRNC Alert 8-24-11: Parks and Restaurant Carry

Concealed Carry Reduces Gun Crime in Virginia Bars

It’s been a year since our northern neighbor has allowed concealed carry in bars. Guess what? Less crime was committed! That’s right, the anti-gun advocates predicting widespread violence and “blood in the streets” had it backwards once again.

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GRNC Legal Action

Gun rights legal battle shifts to North Carolina Represented by Alan Gura, GRNC joins suit challenging gun restrictions in NC “state of emergency” law Following … Read more

Why join GRNC?

Why GRNC? North Carolina’s only ‘no-compromise’ gun rights organization As North Carolina’s most effective gun rights organization, Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC) was created in … Read more

What Members Are Saying

  Paul, thanks so much for your latest alert.  It’s disheartening, disgusting, and maddening to watch the prez , the left, and all the traitorous media harp … Read more

Volunteer for GRNC LAT

VOLUNTEERING FOR GRNC LAT GRNC LAT is North Carolina’s Second Amendment strike force, called into action to defend your rights. When the North Carolina General Assembly … Read more